Sunday, March 22, 2009

Payton finally looses a tooth!!

Payton has had a couple of loose teeth on the bottom and one became really loose one day when he hit it on a table at grandma and grandpa Butcher's. He has wiggled, played and pulled on it and nothing. So Jared decided to tie some floss around it and then he could pull it out, so here is a funny video and some pictures. He is so excited for the tooth fairy!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

CrAzY HaIr DaY!!

This week is spirit week at the boys school, yesterday they could wear their favorite teams jersey and today is crazy hair day, Payton was so excited Jordan was to but is to cool to say so.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Football season again

Jordan had his first indoor football game of the season tonight, and he did awesome. That quarterback on the other team felt his wrath a couple of times. Go Jordan!! He is #21