Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ashton born November 24, 2009

I am excited to welcome my new little nephew Ashton into the world. Tammi and Nick were blessed today with a perfect 7lb 13 oz baby boy today. Jared and I went to see them in the hospital tonight. Mom and baby are both doing well, and Nick is a very proud dad! Congratulations to you Tammi and Nick you will be great parents and thank you for bringing Ashton into this world.


Jenn said...

He is so sweet- Congratulations to your sister and I hope Ashton makes you baby hungry because we need a baby on this side for the family and I think its yours and Jared's turn. Just kidding- He looks very cute and his lovely head of hair is to die for.

Unknown said...

Ashton is so cute! Congrats!