This weekend we went on our last camping trip to Yearns in Manti canyon. Jared's mom and dad went with us along with our friends the Goodfellows.
It was a nice, fun, relaxing trip. I was really afraid that this hammock wouldnt hold the both of us, but it did. Phew!
We went to Lake Hill in Ephraim canyon to fish because Yearns was not giving us any fishys. We ended up bringing home 20 fish that Jared is going to smoke in the smoker.
Jordan brought one of his friends Tysen and dont ask me why they were wearing bandanas on their neck. They had alot of fun though, so did Payton with the Goodfellow boys.
Chopper thought he would play in the mud, and it looks like he was wearing boots! Silly dog.
Staley was getting brave but not brave enough to go in the water yet.
Payton was pndering his thoughts in the hammock.
Jordan and Tysen slept in the tent, Alone! guess who was nervous about that? Not them, bears did not come eat them so I was happy.
Payton getting ready to wreck on his bike, but he didnt get to hurt.
Happy as can be riding in back of the truck!
Looks like so much fun. Man this is a huge fish my dad has! I so wish we would have been there.
wow! that looks so nice! glad you had fun.
Your family is so cute! So is your puppy. Im impressed Jordan slept outside. You should get him something soft to sleep on, like a foam pad.
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